Monday, June 29, 2009

Congratulations to Rita and Daniel...

if your marriage is just one-fourth of what you committed to each other in your written vows this past Saturday evening....

your married life will be a glowing success!

bless bless bless

Friday, June 26, 2009

A Family Wedding.....

and graduation party this I am home today...packed and ready to hit the road for some related-by-blood fun!!

hopefully a ton

ps - myra lee finally joined the 21st century and is now a proud owner of a cell phone - send me an email and i will give you the number to her cell.

ring the bell

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Last week during a Snippet’s lunch walk…

I saw someone that made me think of the “be thankful for what you have” saying that my Momma always quotes....”I thought I was poor because I had no shoes until I met a man who had no feet.”

Except in this case...

it would be “I thought I was poor because I had no glove..."

his hand was let go of

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

A Chicago Greektown Tradition

Unbeknownst to me until recently, Keith’s family has been going to The Parthenon restaurant in Chicago’s Greektown, for over 30 years!

And for more than 12 of those years, they have had the same waiter – Sal.

So last week when I got an invite to join them for a family lunch...I said "YES!!"

And WOW was it fun!!

From the meeting of Sal...

To the choosing from the menu...YIKES!

To the flaming of the Saganaki cheese...

A cold bottle of white wine, some crusty sesame seeded bread..

and a deliciously prepared entrée...

all rolled up with some really cute dining companions...

and the cost to me...


thanks phat daddy

rat a tat tatty

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

And the Heat is On!!

In keeping with Chicago’s weather traditions...we have been thrown from Spring directly into the deep of Summer – 90 degree temperatures, humidity, mosquitoes, etc.

This sudden change makes for some “glistening” moments during my walks thru this concrete jungle...wherein I have to remind myself, that at the end of a hot, hot day, I get to go home and enjoy the fruits of this heat...

which is a backyard full of flowers that are popping with color...

and Buddy the Wonder Dog, who, in all his aged black/white furriness, still loves nothing more than to just lounge around in the sun.

bring on the summertime fun

Monday, June 22, 2009

Father’s Day Reflection

Like many others yesterday, I visited my father here....

So to the fortunate ones that still have a father in their lives, from a daughter that does not...

Love him;

Cherish him;

Respect him;

Be patient with him;

and allow him to tell you those stories of long ago.

because you just never know

Friday, June 19, 2009

Tornado Friday....

this is the northern view from our conference room window.

So to my posse on the east is headed your way!

You might want to batten down the hatches!!

and all the latches

Thursday, June 18, 2009

I did something on my walk back to the train Tuesday night….

that I have NEVER done in the 30+ years of working in Chicago.

Not only have I NEVER done this before...the rare times that I would see others doing this I would look at them with disgust and think “Didn’t your Momma raise you better than that?”

But in the midst of a driving rain storm, I was faced with picking the lesser of two evils - either continue to slip off my new, cute heeled sandals and possibly fracture an ankle or do this...

Yes, I opted for the “everything gross on the sidewalk is now on the bottom of my feet!”

once home hot water and soap they did meet

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Do you want to go on a lunchtime adventure?

I asked my co-worker Kathy yesterday.

“What’s up?” she responded.

On my commute in I had read that Derrek Lee of the Cubs (Yeah!) and Mark Buehrle of the White Sox (Boo!) were going to be at Fleming’s Steak House on Ohio at Noon to introduce their “named” charity wines to the media.

Yesterday was a perfect day to launch them because it was the first day of Chicago’s long standing Crosstown Classic rivalry, a series where the North Siders play the South Siders.

Now what I had read didn’t say that it was only for the I figured, what the was worth walking over, possibly buying a bottle or two of wine and having them autographed with my black Sharpie that I have carried with me since hanging out with Ernie Banks and Dutchie Caray, my new bff's.

“Let’s leave at 11:45.” I told Kath.

We really didn’t know what to expect. Fleming's was normally not open for lunch and, quite frankly, it looked like too fancy-schmancy of a place for me to dine, so I have never contemplated going there.

As we walked in we were directed upstairs to a large private room where appetizers and huge red wine glasses filled with either Buehrlot or Caberlee were being served.

The media had their cameras and mics all set up and outside of them, there were just a handful of people, mostly guys in suits or business attire, then Kath and me.

Upon hearing that Derrek and Mark were in the adjacent bar area, the room got very quiet. Which led me to make the comment “This isn’t a surprise party is it?”

For the next 15 minutes the media asked questions about each player’s charity which will be receiving a percentage of the proceeds from every bottle sold. The players talked about their charities and shared with us why they were chosen.

Then there was a lull in the questioning.

And here is when Susan Snippets saw her chance to find out what everyone in the room really wanted to know...

“Who do you think is going to win today’s game?” I asked.

Yeah, yeah, yeah...the whole charity thing is nice and all...but true Chicago baseball fans want to talk about the Crosstown Rivalry.

Mark said that he wasn’t going to be playing; and Derrek responded “Do we have a game today?”

At the end of it all I walked out with two empty bottles (they were not able to sell unopened bottles, so I asked the wait staff for two empties) of Caberlee (Go, Cubs, Go!) signed by #25 himself...

along with pictures of both players (I admit Mark Buehrle's eyes are quite dreamy!); the “real” photographer, Michelle’s card (to get some of her pictures); the distributor Chuck's card to send him some of the shots that I took; and then...

Kath and I were handed gift cards from Fleming's as we walked out.

$25 gift cards.


Not too bad of a lunchtime adventure if I would say so myself.

and Kath, she would most definitely agree.

derrek lee is tall, handsome and so in love with me

okay maybe he is not in love with me...but a gal can dream can’t she

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Derrek Lee is for Me!!

with the full story to follow tomorrow...but until then I will leave you with this taken-at-lunch today shot...

he is a chicago cub very tall and hot

Monday, June 15, 2009

NeoCon World's Trade Fair has landed...

for today and the next two days, the Merchandise Mart in the River North area of Chicago, hosts NeoCon® World’s Trade Fair, which is the National Show of Contract Furnishings. This show features the latest trends, products, and concepts in office, healthcare, hospitality, residential, institutional and government environments, all under the roof of our famous Merchandise Mart.

This entire River North area, along with parts of the Loop, go from normal workday complete chaos.

Here is a video that I shot this morning in what would normally be a-next-to-vacant lobby of the Merchandise Mart....

For many of my co-workers and fellow office building tenants...these three days are despised.

It makes the normally casual, let's grab some lunch at the Bull & Bear undoable...

Okay...then what about Lou Malnati's........


Try to find a is impossible unless your destination is to or from the Mart. (So Sorry, Hedy!)

But for me, with my quirky Susan Snippet's personality and passion for people is by far...three of my favorite days of the year to be traveling about Chicago.

Besides the continuous handouts on the street.....

I get to see, and possibly meet...some of the more than 50,000 trade people that will be attending...always with the potential for supplying Snippet blog fodder.

So for today and the next two days, I will, as always, be manned with the Snippet's camera, a smile, my normal inquisitiveness, a fondness for people watching and hopefully, be gathering some interesting fodder to blog about.

along with my city to tout

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Rut Roh!!

I am in BIG trouble now.

Or should I say my PANTS are!!

Look what opened yesterday on the second floor of the Merchandise Mart......

be still my heart

BNSF, Metra and the IEPA ...

are all going to be receiving this picture of my hand....

taken this morning after I alleviated a horrid rattling sound on the upper deck of my train car by shoving some newspaper into the venting that runs along its entire upper length.

So, if the venting that is just three feet or so from our faces, which carries the air into our train car is THIS DIRTY...what does that say about the purity of the air which we breathe in each day??

Can someone answer that please?

black lung disease

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


was my response when asked how I felt upon Anna’s graduation from high school last Friday night.

I would follow that up with “Just like her – sometimes she is bitter and sometimes she is sweet!”

If I rewind 19 years or love affair started at the first knowledge of her existence, it increased by her ever present “Hey I am in here!” kicking and elbowing...and it went thru-the-roof when I finally held her and breathed in all her beauty.

Since then she has grown into a beautiful, young woman, who can push every button I own, right along with being astonishingly, profoundly, wise-beyond-her-year's mature.

So, yes it is bittersweet, just like you, my graduate girl.

go out and give life a twirl

Monday, June 8, 2009

"Riddle me this.....

how can Buddy my "Wonder" Dog....

eat his black Harley Davidson squeaky ball over three years ago....and then throw this up just yesterday??


obviously inedible

Friday, June 5, 2009

L.F.M.T.F. FRIDAY - Thirst Quencher Edition

I am again humbled by the caring, unselfishness and generosity shown to me this week by complete strangers!

Kind people who recognize that during my long walks throughout this beautiful city – that I become thirsty.

So all along my journey they left for me...

Coffee propped up on a post – I hope it's not dark roast!

Something healthy for my bones and teeth left on a bench at the Merchandise Mart – milk, milk makes you smart!

Oops! That’s not good...being upside down...spilled out onto the ground.

On the only warm day of this week..they left me a little refreshment deep inside to savor – although cherry isn’t my favorite flavor.

Tequila, thanks, but it is way too early....besides it makes me kinda squirrelly!

So a big shout out of thanks to all the kind, generous, unselfish people who helped me fight off this week’s thirst!

gotta run my bladder is about to burst

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

An Ode to Schmitty

It has been brought to my attention;

And I could not pass up the mention..

that a friend of ours has turned the BIG FIVE-OH!

And this “friend” is someone that you might just know;

He is referred to as “Schmitty” because of a joke;

But depending upon his mood – more fun we do poke..

He has been “Cranky Pants”;




“Rip Van”

and “Shitty”...

all of which we add before his moniker of “Schmitty”;

And if you ever awake him during his train nap...

all I can say is STAND WAY FAR BACK!

He is a lover of family and a defender of friends;

When he pushes too hard...he’s sure to make quick amends;

He is a strummer of the guitar and lover of the Blues;

Nearly no one could ever fill his musical shoes!

So on this Special Day we want to bring him some cheer...

as we gather to celebrate and raise up a beer;

With a hope that in Fifty more...he will still be here!

Although by then he will be “Pissing-In-His-Pant’s Schmitty...

which won’t be so pretty!!

Happy 50th Birthday from Your Train Crew...

We All Love You!

Except, of course, for Joe, who will always hate that “Bastard” Schmitty.

BTW at “work” today Susan wrote you the aforesaid ditty...

here kitty kitty

THE “Deal”

When my father was diagnosed with cancer, I vividly recall him praying that he be given at least another year of life.

He was given three.

When I was diagnosed, I was newly divorced and raising my then 13 year-old son and 9 year-old daughter on my own.

I, too, prayed...

“Lord, please let me see my children graduate from high school!”

Today is Anna’s last day of high school.

She graduates Friday night.

And mixed amongst the bittersweet emotions of my beautiful daughter’s accomplishments, she becoming an adult, testing her wings and eventually taking flight is the remembering of my “deal”.

But as we all know...NO ONE is guaranteed tomorrow, so sans the unavoidable accident...I have some comfort in the fact that my dad was given triple the time he asked for...which if that math is still in place...should give me another 18 years, at the least.

praying my deal time is increased

Monday, June 1, 2009

On this Rainy Chicago Monday Morning…..

it seems totally appropriate that while crossing the Franklin Street Bridge with one of my new-met-on-the-street-friends, Elliot, we would happen upon this left-for-me-to-find item....

Appropriate only in a gray-day-macabre-sort-of-way.

rain rain go away