Tuesday, December 22, 2009

There was a time,

which now seems like forever ago, that I was married, living in a new subdivision, surrounded by couples in their 30’s, most of which, like us, had young children.

It was magical.

I had the financial ability to only work the middle 3 days – giving me four days in a row home with my kids each week.

We made lifetime friends, who shared/and some who still share, holidays with us.

As I sit here two days before the Celebration of the birth of Christ, looking out my office window at the beautiful snow enveloping our City with white...

i am reflecting on those days with wistful holiday delight


Diane Vogel Ferri said...

December is always melancholy for me - even amidst the fun. I understand your thoughts.

Judy @ daily yarns said...

Love your view ;0
Wishing you and your loved ones too a wonderful celebration of his birth.