I commented "Please, PLEASE accept my negative ten! extra hands can you lend"
With not much time between working down here at the law firm during the day and baking for my dot dot dot eat cookies a lot! cookie clients at night...

other than my beautiful real tree being upright and partially decorated and three gifts bought...I am way, way behind where I usually am by this day.
But amazingly I sit here at work, whistling Christmas carols and feeling like a Who in Whoville, waking up on Christmas morning to find no presents, no decorations, no holiday food/treats, but I dress and gather with others in the middle of town, singing in praise and worship...

because I know that presents, trappings and such allow me to show love to others and that is nice...

but it is really about the birth of Christ
“For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” Isaiah 9:6
this is my first christmas in 25 years that i have not baked cookies and i miss them very much...i'm not sure how santa will react to store bought but i hope it won't involve a rock
Oh my your cookies are so . . . lovely!
I bet you were extra busy this year making them.
Christmas comes whether we are ready or not doesn't it?
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