Wednesday, December 22, 2010

pRESENTly disappointed

A REPOSTING from two years ago...

“There is that STUPID clock! I thought it was a guitar!” my 20 year-old son recently said upon seeing this picture...

Obviously it didn’t matter that he got a PILE of presents (SPOILED BRAT), he only remembers that he got a clock, instead of some lusted-after-but-never-divulged-to-me guitar.

Which made me think about my Christmases of past – Was I ever expecting something "special" and instead got something “dumb”?

And I am talking about childhood Christmases....because for sure we have all been disappointed as adults with a Christmas gift(picture frame with a clock in it).

The good news is...I can’t remember any disappointing presents from my childhood and remember with joy one very special present - my Kenner Easy Bake Oven – turquoise blue...

it gave me and my sisters hours, upon hours on our bedroom floor...creating masterpieces of culinary delight - cakes, pies, cookies and muffins....speaking of muffins...oh, never mind.

Last week at bible study, we were discussing how Christmas should be about simplicity, just like the first Christmas that we are celebrating.

At that study, a women stood up and shared - she spoke of the first ten Christmases of her life, her family being extremely poor - she and her siblings’ Christmas gifts were simple brown bags containing just three items – an orange, an apple and a peppermint stick.

Most children these days would view that as 10 sad Christmases....she recalled them as being MAGICAL!

So to my family, my friends and my blog buddies near and far...

my wish to you is for a Simplistically, Magical Christmas...

filled with just three items - faith, family and friends!

and the hope it never ends