Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Sunday Morning Blessing...

I had seated them. First, the older man, whom I recognized from past services, he always likes to sit in one of the last rows on my side. Next was a small man, with-oversized-for-his-face glasses and greasy, unkempt hair, and then, just as the service was starting, a woman walked in and joined them.

When it was time for collecting of the offering, the bag passed down their row; I then turned it in to the head usher and was on the way to my seat when I saw the woman waving at me. I walked over and she handed me, as their offering this. . .

thru tears I thanked her, went back to the head usher and placed the pennies in the bag.

Unashamedly she called me back to give. . .

three cents.

How divinely immense!