Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Celebrity Status Achieved

Finally....I am sooooo relieved!!

In the off chance you have spent the better part of last week living in a cave.....

I met Ree "The Pioneer Woman" Drummond.

Yes, THE PIONEER WOMAN, the Queen of the Blogging World,  Marlboro Man (her well "defined" husband) and two of  her four children "da punk" boys.....Bryce and Todd.

Not only did I get to meet them, get all of their signatures on Ree's new cookbook, and pictures...but Ree followed that up by blogging about her Chicago experience and INCLUDED ME on her blog!!

Just click HERE and scroll down to Chicago and you will see me in my way, way too blonde hair, along with beautiful Ree where she wrote:

"Susan, as in Susan’s Snippets. She leaves comments on the blog and turns each comment into a clever rhyme. I was so excited to meet her."

after reading that my vision started to blur


... Paige said...

see what happens after you become a celeb

you didn't bribe her with cookies, did ya?

safe & happy

Susan's Snippets said...


I might have brought her a bag of my Chocolate Polk-A-Dots...but I haven't gotten any feedback from her regarding them yet!

i wont fret

ps - safe and happy back to you!

boo boo