Monday, January 9, 2012

A Strong Finish!

I had NO SPENDING success...

with the help of a couple of peeps (dinner bought for me) I confess!!

But from last Tuesday thru Sunday night. . .

money (not even a penny) left my bank account’s sight.

I even found a quarter on Tuesday in the parking lot. . .

so actually MORE money I have now got.

I organized kitchen cabinets and donated some food. . .

cleaned my office for a change into something frilly not for a dude!

Purged and filled up an entire garbage can with things I do not need. . .

after watching that Hoarders’ show and to heart taking heed!

The lesson was that I CAN do it and also how productive I CAN be…

when I spend most of my "free" time at home just Buddy Boy and me!!

Woo Wee Woo Wee

Friday, January 6, 2012

Still No Spending...

Day Three. . .

and now well into Day Four. . .

I will say my bank account I adore!

If you quietly agreed to join me on this no spending ride…

so far have you had success?

To yourself only do you need to confess!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Day Two…

has come and gone and I am still on track!

No money spent…

not one thin dime!!

Having a short-term-this-is-fun-time!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Day One...

of “No Spending” was a success!!

In addition to not spending any money. . .

I found a quarter in the parking lot!!

Now even more money I have got!