Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Extra! Extra!

Read all about it!

Breaking HEADLINE Local News...

”Sister Tradition – Siblings Spend Day Enjoying Each Other’s Company”

The state of my local newspaper has deteriorated to the point where it is front page headline news when a local woman and her five daughters take one day during the Christmas season for THEMSELVES!

This is their 18th year of having a progressive dinner (in case you are a complete idiot, the article’s author defined what that means “The progressive dinner – an event during which each course is served at a different house….”)

This family decided 18 years ago “to make time for themselves, siblings drop husbands, kids for a day”...

So our paper gave them the lead story, front page headline...

Followed by a FULL PAGE article recounting this gala celebration in detail…

I continued reading, assured that I would learn about how they took time during their gathering to bake or knit for others, wrap toys for underprivileged children, SOMETHING charitable that made this story worthy of headline status.

But there would be nothing along those ridiculous lines...”We eat, drink and make merry!” one of the siblings was quoted.

And there also was this...


Say it isn't so!

She served salad AND decorated her house for Christmas!!

If that isn't newsworthy...I don't know what is!

Now do not get me wrong...I have nothing against sisters and their mom spending a day together sharing quality holiday time...

but making it a headline and full page article is a journalistic crime

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